
Why coach? Today’s environment demands that both organisations and individuals perform at a high level. Coaching supports people to meet this demand by working with individuals in a guided relationship that is performance driven, forward looking, change oriented and developmental. As individuals develop their capability, the organisation’s capability also grows.

What is coaching? The purpose of coaching is to improve the individual’s performance on the job, through either enhancing current skills, acquiring new skills or breaking through challenges. To address this, coaching is normally conducted in a one on one situation over a period of scheduled meetings.

When to coach? The coaching relationship is a useful and powerful support in the following situations:

    • Developing role capability for any staff member
    • Specific skill development
    • Growing leadership capability
    • Clarifying career direction
    • Breaking through any issue that is a challenge

ProFormance consultants have many years of experience in coaching.

Who could benefit from this support?

    • New or inexperienced staff. We will support them through the early stages of learning new role responsibilities. This coaching focuses on competence in the tasks and confidence in their ability.
    • High fliers and those with potential to make the step to the next level. We will enable a smooth transition and avoid the individual becoming burnt out or jaded by the experience.
    • Experienced staff with large, strategic challenges who are tired, disillusioned, or stressed. Our intervention will remind them of what they have achieved and reinvigorate them to take on new challenges and grow personally.
    • Underperformers who need assistance to turn around their performance and break through the roadblocks, be they personal or organisational.

Sales Coaching

ProFormance specialise in developing sales talent. With over 20 years experience, we know sales success depends upon having:

  • effective sales process
  • skilled sales team
  • accountable sales leadership

We coach individuals and teams in whichever area(s) need improvement in your business.

“I just thought I would drop you a note to thank you for quality coaching that you have put into my team here at BJ Ball. The programme has been a huge success with the team being more focused on the business.  There has been a significant improvement in communication levels and productivity levels are trending in the right direction.  Also the team is a lot more cohesive.

Your programme has really worked well. It’s great to get a result that grows not just the business but the individuals as well.”

National Operations Manager, BJ Ball Group