70:20:10 Learning
Last week I participated in a webinar presented by the well renowned Charles Jennings of the 70:20:10 Institute. At ProFormance we follow the principle that only 10% of our learning comes from formal learning interventions and that 70% actually comes form on the job learning and 20% from informal learning/significant others like coaches and mentors. We work with our clients to ensure we deliver on this.
Charles Jennings presented plenty of research to back this up. He believes that high performing organisations understand that agility and adaptability are the key drivers for success. What organisations are struggling with is how to create environments where we “learn from our work” not “learn how to work”. This statement really resonated with me. As learning and development providers we need to create innovative solutions for our clients, that enable them to provide learning as close to the “coalface” as possible. When staff are involved in on the job learning, researcher found that staff engagement went up 250%! Imagine that. For many of our clients gaining staff engagement is the end goal.
Research suggests that managers who are focused and effective at creating development opportunities, and provide opportunities for feedback and reflection, lead teams that outperform others by up to 27%. That’s an extra day’s work from everyone every week!
It does require a mindshift to be able to be able to provide opportunities that train on the job and not as a separate intervention. HR providers do have a place in this. Charles outlines new performance roles in this changed model of learning.
There are two more opportunities to hear Charles Jennings speak in NZ – at a breakfast meeting and a workshop, both in March. If you are serious about lifting performance in your organization, then either is a worthwhile meeting.