Sales Training Workshop goes Online!
When Covid prevented us from holding our 2 day Persuasive Selling Skills workshop as a face to face workshop, we decided to take this workshop into a virtual training room. We sent out hardcopies of the workbook and setup a zoom meeting with breakout rooms so our participants could work together on exercises set by the facilitator. Feedback from the participants indicated that this was engaging and useful and were impressed with the delivery as an online sales training workshop.
“The facilitation of the training online is commendable & impressive”
“I was genuinely surprised at how engaging a two day course was held over Zoom. Well done for making this work online”
“Well organized. Good content that was delivered very well”
Based on this success, we will now facilitate some additional sales workshops online in 2022. See our open workshop calendar for 2022 workshops or contact us to discuss your specific training needs.