Negotiation Skills Training Pays Off

The third group of PrintNZ members are now more than half way through their NZQA Certificate in Sales training and at least one of the participants has seen immediate results following the Negotiation Skills workshop last Thursday:

“I Just wanted to let you know, that I have retained the particular job over the competitor that I negotiated on “our benefits” over the price.

 I just cannot thank you enough for showing me such a powerful tool in my toolbox. This is something I would not have been trained on/shown if I hadn’t done your course. So our company has already benefited in many ways (including two new large multi-national companies) purely based on what you have shown me.

 I’m so much more excited about doing what I do because of the confidence you have instilled in me.”

The feedback from the whole group has been extremely positive and they are all making excellent progress on both the course and applying their new sales skills. It is great to see how well they have developed and it has not gone unnoticed by their managers! Read the full feedback report here: