NZQA Certificate in Sales Program 2020

Our 5th group of Print & Signage representatives are 2/3rds of the way through their NZQA L3 Certificate in Sales program and continue to develop their skills within the workplace as they learn. Conducted over 12 months, the participants have 6 assessments to complete with support from their managers and have just attended their 3rd workshop which covers the art of Negotiation.  We have a mix of Sales and Customer Service representatives – all with the same goal; to gain confidence with their customers, make more calls and ultimately increase sales – which is already being achieved according to feedback received from their managers:

“Our reps got a lot out of the Sales Process and Negotiation topics in particular. It has given them confidence to get out and do more calls. I think sales results will follow.”

“Has been really useful to give them structure and confidence to contact more customers, even by phone”

“The assessments have been good to work through together”

The PrintNZ NZQA Certificate in Sales 2020 program commences 21st May – contact us for more detail or email to register.