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The 100th issue of NZ Sales Manager magazine contains valuable articles for all sales people and their managers. ProFormance are proud to have contributed to the article “The New World of Selling”.

Click here to view the full issue

Dan Pink – The Puzzle of Motivation

Interesting video on what motivates people.  Dan Pink gives a strong argument as to why money is not a motivator when it comes to complex problem solving.  For simple mechanical problems money is a good motivator but for creative problems that require brain power he says giving people autonomy, drive to master the skills and purpose are better motivators.

View this Ted talk below.

Griffin’s Customer Service Training Programme

Griffin’s Customer Service team have just finished their third and final workshop on Customer Service Excellence.

Seen here completing an email simulation exercise on where they had to pop the balloons as soon as they finished the exercise.

Feedback on the workshop was great, see comments below:

• Very happy with what we have learnt. Great learning tool.
• The trainer rocks. Amazing, delightful, elegant, lovely, eloquent.
• Learnt heaps, value strengths, strengthen weaknesses.
• Fantastic and brilliant workshop!

YMCA Centre Manager Training Programme

The YMCA finished up their 5 session Centre Manager’s Training Programme with some wonderful presentations from participants.

Also, lots of comments on how beneficial the entire programme has been in developing staff members. See feedback below.

* People are listening and putting actions in place – therefore it is making an impact.
* Fantastic training, have seen traction, buy in.
* It’s reaffirming things I need / knew I should be doing.
* We needed this so much, what a great way to start reflecting and shaping change.

“How to Write a Covering Letter and CV Development Workshop”

Fabulous feedback from a recent “How to Write a Covering Letter and CV Development Workshop”

Best things about the workshop:

* Like the workbook with lots of valuable information in it.
* Importance of the covering letter.
* Being specific and not generic and expressing your personality.
* Very handy tips on what to do and what not to do.
* Honest insights and very enlightening.

Superteams by Khoi Tu

In Superteams, renowned teamwork specialist Khoi Tu explains how to make sure your team delivers consistently superior results and emerges stronger from the inevitable crises you will face.

What do the SAS, Ferrari and the Rolling Stones have in common? Their success is about much more than talented individuals. They are Superteams.

Every organisation, whether a business or a sports club, lives or dies by the quality of its teamwork. No man can be an island for long; only great teams can face a crisis and emerge stronger. So how do you build the right team? Many people think of it like a rock supergroup: bring the best of the best together and magic will happen. Yet supergroups often flop, while bands of unknowns rise to the top.

View this YouTube clip below.